Dr Nipuna Senaratne

Services: Telemedicine concussion clinics

Nipuna is a Speciality Registrar in Sports and Exercise Medicine in Yorkshire and is also a fully qualified GP. His main clinical and research interests are in sports related concussion and promoting physical activity and he is passionate about supporting people to stay active for their health and wellbeing.

Nipuna completed his medical training at the University of Cambridge, gaining an intercalated degree in Neuroscience, and he has recently finished an MSc in Sports and Exercise Medicine from University College London.

OK, where do I start?

Whether you are interested in our Sports Medicine, Schools Medicine or Lifestyle medicine services, we’d love to hear about how we can help you so please get in touch.

Meliora Medical Group’s Sports Medicine service operates under the name ‘Return2Play’ and has it’s own website.

Return2Play are the UK’s leading sports medicine provider for schools, clubs and universities.

Visit return2play.org.uk