Dr Matt Clarke

Services: Head Injury & Concussion Clinics


Matt is a GP with specialist interests in MSK, sports injuries and surgery.

He graduated from Nottingham medical school in 2009, completed Core Surgical training in 2014 followed by four years as an Emergency Medicine Registrar in Sydney, Australia.  Returning to the UK, Matt completed GP training and now practices in Bristol as a salaried GP, as a minor ops surgeon and as a GP assessing acute injuries in the urgent care and emergency settings.

Matt is a standard and endurance distance triathlete, an avid sports fan and has a diverse set of skills and experience in his various roles as a doctor.

OK, where do I start?

Whether you are interested in our Sports Medicine, Schools Medicine or Lifestyle medicine services, we’d love to hear about how we can help you so please get in touch.

Meliora Medical Group’s Sports Medicine service operates under the name ‘Return2Play’ and has it’s own website.

Return2Play are the UK’s leading sports medicine provider for schools, clubs and universities.

Visit return2play.org.uk